蛇に噛まれて、朽縄に怖じる Hebi ni kamarete, kuchinawa ni ojiru.

  • 解釈:一度ひどい目に遭って、それに似た形を見ただけでも怖がること。
  • Literal:Since it was bit by the snake, the rope which decayed is feared.
  • Interpretation:It is afraid also only by having had the once terrible experience and seeing the form similar to it.
  • 類義:羹(あつもの)に懲りて、膾(なます)を吹く。黒犬に噛まれて、赤犬に怖じる。熱湯に火傷(やけど)した猫は冷水を恐れる。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.